
This blog is about honesty, and honesty in politics (especially politics!!).
And I've been doing some thinking lately about Iraq (the media may not be covering it to my (and many people's) liking, but things are definitely getting worse). Even Senator Warner of Virginia now admits as much after his recent visit.
Iraq Veterans Against the War
An interesting Daily Kos diary that is related, and an entry from The Swamp
I'm thinking that if Feingold let's himself consider it, the emerging Biden plan for Iraq may be the best option. Although, we really should have been out of Iraq months or perhaps years ago. For those of you who don't know the Biden plan originally called for the separation of Iraq into three separate nations, the separation being by sect (Shia, Sunni, and Kurd). But, it now calls for three autonomous regions to be created instead.
Feingold link (unrelated)
Of course, even with the modified plan, there is still the threat of warfare by Turkey against the Kurdish region. The Kurdish region or Kurdistan is basically already its own country except in name; and Kurdish leaders have forbidden the Iraqi flag to be flown in their region, even threatening taxi car drivers with their lives if they don't remove the Iraqi flag from their official license plates. Also, Turkey charges that Iraqi Kurds have been arming Kurdish rebels in their country.
Add to those potential problems the fact that the Iraqi government is utterly incapable of asserting itself, and you have the yummy soup of goodness that currently calls itself Iraq.
So, anyway, things are not very stable no matter what we do. Iran has many reasons to hate and resent us for what our country has perpetrated in their region of the globe.
And let us not forget that it is in fact their region. We don't own it, and it can't be conquered by our army. At least it would seem so by most measures of everything.
Most Iraqis don't even have the same access to clean water that existed before the invasion. Electricity in Iraq is a joke. The Iraqi people can't be, nor should they be pacified by primarily military efforts. It is my opinion that the Iraqis fighting the occupation are justified. They are called Freedom Fighters by their fellow Iraqis. Who knows, the Iranian nationals may even be justified. Whereas our freedom was never under any threat of any kind by any Iraqi politician no matter how much Bush, Chenney, and their cohorts insinuate otherwise.
I actually don't subscribe to the kind of logic that would say that Iranian nationals are justified in their attacks, if they are attacking Iraqis or Iraqi infrastructure. But that kind of logic isn't far-removed from the kind of logical leaps that this current administation and its rubber stamp Congress have demonstrated time and time again.
If this war is just, why wouldn't an Iranian be justified in fighting alongside their fellow muslims, to defeat us. After all, we have killed over 100,000 Muslims (and that estimate is outdated).
Now, I have all the sympathy in the world for our soldiers -no one deserved this. No one deserved to be sent home crippled and/or traumatized, or in a flag-draped coffin (which the president decided was unpatriotic to show us) This war and especially the Fox News accounts of it have dehumanized the Iraqi people and our beloved soldiers.
Other links/legislation of interest:
link 1, link 2,